C9 Fan Site @ MMMOs

Continent of the Ninth Seal

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Anyone else having problems with Blessing of Pain not working as it should?

Anyone else having problems with Blessing of Pain not working as it should?

Gunslinger Glasial Shoot Book is extremely BROKEN!

Gunslinger Glasial Shoot Book is extremely BROKEN!

M3talsoul777 C9 EU Battlemaiden Chaos-NO Pet--NO 29 stars-NO Muffin-NO Ancient Stone

M3talsoul777 C9 EU Battlemaiden Chaos-NO Pet--NO 29 stars-NO Muffin-NO Ancient Stone

webzen revenue during 2014-2018. look at the change of c9. more detailes inside.

webzen revenue during 2014-2018. look at the change of c9. more detailes inside.

M3talsoul777 vs Summ3rStorm/Rose/Queen + ItRill Valk + Cutlets intrusion 2 vs 1

M3talsoul777 vs Summ3rStorm/Rose/Queen + ItRill Valk + Cutlets intrusion 2 vs 1

M3talsoul777 C9 EU vs Progravity Battlemaiden 1 vs 1 pvp Enjoy!!

M3talsoul777 C9 EU vs Progravity Battlemaiden 1 vs 1 pvp Enjoy!!

Reworked gunner (12k damage) VS Berserker (25k damage) in NM 70

Reworked gunner (12k damage) VS Berserker (25k damage) in NM 70

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